Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Human Resource Machine Level 41 Solution

Everyone, hi. In this writing, we will transfer the 41st level of the human resource machine game to the 41st year. I hope it helps. We all wish good games.You can access the solutions of other seasons free of charge on our site.

Year 41 - Sorting Floor

Target = For each zero terminated string in the inbox, sort the contents of the string, smallest first, biggest last, and put the results in the outbox. Repeat for each string!

Room Layout


Solution In Writing Year 41

copyfrom 24
copyto 13
copyto 20
copyto 20
jump if zero
bump + 20
copyto 20
copyfrom 20
jump if zero
copyto 12
bump + 20
copyfrom 20
jump if zero
sub 12
jump if negative
copyfrom 20
copyto 12
copyfrom 20
copyto 13
copyfrom 12
copyfrom 13
copyto 14
bump + 14
copyfrom 14
jump if zero
copyto 13
bump + 13
copyto 13
copyfrom 24
copyto 13
copyto 20

Human Resource Machine Level 41 Solution Rating: 4,5 Posted By: Ahmet