Saturday, January 7, 2017

Human Resource Machine Level 25 Solutions

One of the best solutions of the Human Resource Machine game, which was made a year ago to explain the algorithm that is based on programming, is available on our site.

In this post, we will share the solutions of the 25rd level (25rd year) of the Human Resource Machine game.We wish good fun in the game...

Year 25 - Cumulative Countdown

Objective==> For each thing in the inbox, outbox the sum of itself plus all numbers down to zero. For example, if inbox is 3, outbox should be 6, because 3+2+1 = 6.

Room Layout


Solutions In Writing

jump if zero
copyto 0
copyto 1
bump - 1
jump if zero
add 0
copyto 0
copyfrom 0

Human Resource Machine Level 25 Solutions Rating: 4,5 Posted By: Ahmet